Bauingenieur 63, 1988; Structure borne sound and emission control in production systems, resiliently mounted with large foundations; HJ. Schmid
ÖIAZ, Heft 8, Jahrgang 133, 1988; Measurement and evaluation of vibration on structures; G. Niederwanger, J. Majer, HJ. Schmid
ÖIAZ, Heft 7/8, Jahrgang 135, 1990; Correlative measurements of hydraulic machines; HJ. Schmid
E1 Eisenbahningenieur: Vibration Monitoring along the Unterinntal Trasse; HJ. Schmid, Rainer Flesch, Karoline Alten
Earthquake Engineering Thessaloniki (2018): Assessment of Earthquake Resistance of Components in Highvoltage Switchyards; HJ. Schmid, Rainer Flesch